Thursday, July 31, 2014

Class Today and Homework

Please use the rest of the class time to work on writing your essays. Remember the requirements for the essay.

Requirements for Essay Draft 2:
  • Correct Formatting: Cover Page, Headers, Reference Page
  • References: Generally correct formatting for reference page and in-text citations
  • All body paragraphs written/drafted with sources
  • Introduction and Conclusion are not required, but would be good so you can get feedback before the final draft
Please use these resources to help you with the formatting of your paper.

APA Paper Template (download this and then use it to format your paper)

  • Turn in your Draft 2 by 5 pm on Friday to

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Classwork and Homework

Today in class we reviewed what we need to do to make our Process Analysis essays better. We first reviewed the elements we need in our thesis statements, and then talked about how to do the analysis part of the essay. Lastly, we talked about how to peer review and especially in giving appropriate feedback. Here is the link to the PowerPoint from today.

  • Type a second body paragraph to develop your essay (We will be in the lab the second part of class) 
    • Bring a flash drive with the paragraph or email it to yourself 
  • Sign up for a writing conference next week. Here's a link for a sign up - Writing Conference Sign-Up
  • Study for quiz on List 10 Vocabulary

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Classwork & Homework

Today in class we will be working on fleshing out our essays so that you will have enough time to get to Draft 2. Your Draft 2 is due on Friday, August 1 by 5 pm, uploaded to

Requirements for Essay Draft 2:
  • Correct Formatting: Cover Page, Headers, Reference Page
  • References: Generally correct formatting for reference page and in-text citations
  • All body paragraphs written/drafted with sources
  • Introduction and Conclusion are not required, but would be good so you can get feedback before the final draft
However, first I would like you to do a writing fluency exercise. You will spend 20 minutes on it. Choose one of the prompts below.

Journal Prompt One (TOEFL 30-min):

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Journal Prompt Two:

Respond to one of the quotes below about effort. Explain if you agree or disagree with the quote. Think about your own effort to learn English. What kind of effort will you make to continue learning English this semester? after this semester? Why is effort important? How do you know when you put effort into an activity or task?
  • “Be of good cheer. Do not think of today’s failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost." ― Helen Keller
  • "Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential". ― Winston Churchill
  • "Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought." ― Napoleon Hill
When you are finished, please email me your fluency exercise.

The rest of the class period can spend looking at my feedback on your outlines on and developing body paragraphs for your essays.

  • Have at least one body paragraph printed and brought to class tomorrow. We will be doing an activity with it, so you need to bring it.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Classwork and Homework

Today in class, we first worked on a fluency writing prompt that will also help me know how to help you on your Process Analysis essay. We then went through a student sample of a detailed outline and an annotated bibliography, and followed this up with an activity where we looked at references and information from sources and compiled an annotated bibliography entry in groups. We finished up the class with a vocabulary review game. The PowerPoint for today can be found here.

  • Detailed Outline and Annotated Bibliography (Draft 1) due on Monday, July 28th, by 5 pm on
  • Have a fantastic weekend! Yes, this is homework. I expect you to have a good weekend. :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lab Day and Homework

Today is a day for you to further research, compile your annotated bibliography, and develop your detailed outlines.

By 5:00 pm on Monday, July 28th, you must have:
  • A detailed outline (see handout "Outlines" in your pink packet) 
  • An annotated bibliography (see handout in your pink packet) with at least 4 sources.
First, please take this short questionnaire about your homework.
To help you with your writing today:
  1. To find more sources for your paper, go to, and use advanced search. The button looks like this:  
  2. You can then search for the main topic (example: cognitive development), and a sub topic (example: sensorimotor development) in the two fields:
  3. This should help you get the sources that you need for your paper.
If you have had a conference with me already, look through the sources I have found for you, and see if they will work for your paper and write down the information you find in your annotated bibliography and detailed outline.

Work on your annotated bibliography and detailed outline. Please click to view and download the outline template and the sample student annotated bibliography and detailed outline below. 
Outline Template

Sample Student Detailed Outline
Sample Student Annotated Bibliography

Homework: Work on drafting your outline and annotated bibliography 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Classwork and Homework Helps

Today in class we briefly talked about the importance of creating our own personal study space. We watched a BYU Library advertisement that was a parody of this advertisement. The main thing that we talked about today was how to complete the detailed outline and annotated bibliography, and we practiced paraphrasing and note taking to help us with those tasks. Here is the PowerPoint that was used today.

  • Draft your detailed outline for 20 minutes
  • Create an annotated bibliography entry for a paraphrase summary you have done for this essay (use the information below to help you : 
      • Author: Roger Sipher. 
      • Title: So That Nobody Has to Go to School If They Don't Want To 
      • Title of Print Source: The New York Times. 
      • Date: December 19, 1977 
      • Page: 31 
      • Type: Print 
    • You can use or Google Scholar to create the citation, but I want it to look like the example in your pink packet when it is finished.
Lewis, M., & Coates, D. L. (1980). Mother-infant interaction and cognitive development in twelve-week-old infants. Infant behavior and development, 3, 95-105.
  • Mother response to a baby is more important than stimulation from the mother. 
    • Mother and child correspondence helps baby cognitively. 
    • Stimulation was not shown to be a significant portion of cognitive development

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Today in class

Today in class,we will first have a quiz on Vocabulary List 8. Secondly, we will be working on finding background resources to help narrow our topics, and using the BYU Library to help us out with this. You must follow all of the steps in the order they are given.

1. Please open in another tab. Once you are there, it will ask you to put in a room number. The room number is: 978947. Wait until the teacher starts the assignment and you can begin. When you are finished, you can exit out of the window.

2. You should go to, and read the information in sections Picking a Topic, Gathering Information, & Narrowing Your Topic.

3. On the side of the same page, there is a section titled Basic Background Information Resources. I would like you to look at the section Indexes to Specialized Encyclopedias. You should practice using the 3 tools in this section (Gale Virtual Reference Library, Brittanica Online, RefSeek) using the general terms of your topic. 

4. Download this Background Research Worksheet. You will need to put the information that you find from the background sources You will need to complete this and email this to me by 5 pm tomorrow. Use Gale Virtual Reference Library and Brittanica Online to find the information. These will be for your background knowledge and to find key words and other references.

5. (Optional) If you have enough background knowledge for your topic, you can add real resources to your worksheet. Go to,  Please watch the tutorials for Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), and Scholar Search Books and More, and then use them to find real sources for your paper. These will be for your support and details of your essay.

Homework: Complete both of the following by 5 pm on Friday, July 18th.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Classwork and Homework

Today in class, we talked about selecting a topic, conducting background information, and narrowing a topic of research. I also introduced the outline and annotated bibliography that you will need to do for your first draft (due July 28th), and the requirements for them as well. In addition, we also talked about how to create a good thesis statement for Integrated Essay prompts. The PowerPoint for today can be found here. (9:30 class, it is a little different than what was presented in your class, I had to revise it so it was more coherent. See, even teachers need to revise!!!)

  • Come up with at least 2 solid ideas for your process analysis essay (you might want to review the information in your book for help.)
    • Determine if the ideas are directional or informational. 
  • Study for your Vocabulary List 8 Quiz

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Classwork and Homework

First today, we went over your homework assignment from yesterday, and reviewed the types of the Process Analysis Essay, particularly going over the two types of essays: directional and informational. The PowerPoint used today in in class can be found here. After reviewing the essay, watched a video about procrastination and how how to combat it while you are working on big projects. The worksheet mentioned in the video can be found here. Lastly, we talked about the homework and finished up with a review of definitions and words on Academic A Vocabulary Word List 8.

  • Assignment #1 – Bookwork
    • Read the example essay on pg. 212-213.
    • Answer questions 1-7 (we’ll do 8-9 in class tomorrow). Write your answers. Miss Lutz will check that you did it.
    • Spend 20 minutes on this assignment. Make sure you understand it well.
  • Assignment #2 – Writing fluency
    • Write 1 of the 2 following prompts for 20 minutes (time yourself).
      • Prompt 1: Describe yourself as you hope to be in five years. Will you be attending an American university? How good will you be at English? Who will your family and friends be? Be as descriptive (detailed) as possible.
      • Prompt 2 (TOEFL prompt): Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Integrated Writing Additional Practice and Homework

This Friday (7/18), you will be taking your second Integrated Writing test in the lab. This is your first integrated writing test that you will be graded on proficiency for. In order to prepare you, we are doing an additional integrated writing practice today.

Integrated Writing Additional Practice
Please follow these instructions:
  • Please open this link in another tab/window--Online Timer. Set the timer for 20 minutes, but DO NOT START IT. Shrink the window so you will be able to see the timer while you are typing.
  • Open the document in the IW Additional Practice folder (located in your student folder) called “IW Additonal Practice - Writing.” Please write your name and class time in the upper left hand corner.
  • Open the document called “IW Notes and Planning Template” if you want to take notes electronically (optional).
  • Open the document called "IW Additional Practice - Reading." DO NOT START READING UNTIL YOUR TEACHER TELLS YOU TO START.
  • After reading, go back to the IW Additional Practice folder.  You will see a sound file titled  "IW Additional Practice - Listening." Please listen to it in the preview window OR Open with Quicktime. DON'T DOUBLE CLICK IT, it will open iTunes and will cause problems.
  • After listening, go back to the document "IW Additional Practice - Writing." You may now start the Online Timer. YOU MUST START THE TIMER AS SOON AS YOU FINISHED THE LISTENING.  You have 20 minutes to plan and write your essay.
  • When you are finished writing your essay, please select your text and write down the word count in the indicated space in the top left hand corner of the "IW Addtional Practice" document.
For the rest of the time, you may look at your feedback on the IW 2 that is available to you in your student folder, and should do this Integrated Writing Review (download it and save it in your student folder). Here is a link to the TOEFL rubric so you can understand the feedback given to you, as well as complete the exercise.

  • Read pp. 206—209 
  • Answer the following questions (type or write it and bring to class): 
    • What are the two types of process-analysis essays? How are they similar? How are they different? 
    • Which of the 7 steps do you think will be the hardest for you? Why? 
  • Complete exercise 6, number 1 on page 210.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

In Class Work

Today, you will be doing in-class work that will help you finish your draft. But first, there is a quiz!

1) Please get out a piece of paper, because the questions will be on the slides, and you will write the answers on your own piece of paper.

Vocabulary List 7 Quiz - Powerpoint

2) Now, you need to make sure that your paper has an academic word count. 
  1. Download your essay so that you have copy and paste able text.
  2. Copy your essay paragraphs (NOT your title page or your reference page).
  3. Go to
  4. Erase any text in the large box, and paste your essay there.
  5. Click SUBMIT (yellow button).
  6. Your AWL count can be found in the yellow text in the "Current profile" box.
  7. Write the Academic word count on your essay, below your conclusion like this:  
         AWL 7.6%

If you want to, you may work on increasing the word count in your essay.
3) Next, you should revise and edit your essay, using the rubric that can be found here:

4) Use the check mark boxes on the right, they have all of the things that you need to include:
  • Does your essay include all of the required elements found on the rubric?
  • If not, what are you missing? What can you improve on?
5) Now, you should upload your essay to, and check the plagiarism (originality report). The originality report will take a little while to generate, so you will have to come back to it after you have submitted it.

If you have additional time, you should:
  • Check your grades on Micrograde.
  • Take this quiz on time management. 
    • Because writing requires so much time management, it's very important to know your strengths and weaknesses. When you finish the quiz, please read the explanations of the scores and then then raise your hand and tell me what you learned from the explanations.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Class today and homework

You should spend your time in the lab today formatting your reference page and adding in-text citations to your classification essay using the feedback that Miss Lutz has given you on

Read the information here, use the documents, and ask a neighbor BEFORE you ask Miss Lutz for help.

First things first: Here is the APA Format Document that you should model your paper after. Check for margins, font, and justification.

How to cite wikipedia in APA? READ this blog entry:

For help with in-text citations look at the following sources:
For help with reference page citations use the following sources:
Still can’t find something? 
  • Google: “How do I cite ______ in APA?”
One more thing to remember:
  • The MOST important information is the author name, date/year of publication, title, and source (like the website or book you found it in).
If you finish early, you may study Academic A List 7 on Quizlet. Choose the "Scatter" option. The person with the fastest time gets a treat tomorrow.


  • Go to a tutor to fix your paper
  • Continue revising and editing your paper

Monday, July 7, 2014

Classwork and Homework

Today in class we learned about strategies for responding to TOEFL prompts (30-minute essays and integrated writing). Specifically, we learned about the ABCDE pattern to follow, and then did group work to apply what we had just learned. The PowerPoint I used in class can be found here. In addition, the requirements for the final draft and the papers you will need to turn in on Friday are listed below:
  • Essay Requirements:
    • Full essay turned in to by 5pm on July 11th 
      • Title Page (1 page)
      • Main essay (at least 2 pages)
      • References page (1 page)
      • % AWL (highlighted) after the essay paragraphs (
      • Correctly APA formatted 
      • Free of plagiarism
  • Required Papers to turn in:
    • Tutor form (green paper)
    • Essay Rubric (green paper)
    • Peer Review (green paper)
  • Review the comments I gave you for Draft 2 
  • Spend no more than 30 minutes revising/editing your paper

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Today in class

Welcome to class, today we will be doing 3 things:
  • Taking a quiz on Vocabulary List 6.
  • Filling out our "Excellence Is" cards.
  • Drafting and revising Draft 2.
1.  Please open in another tab. Once you are there, it will ask you to put in a room number. The room number is: 978947. Wait until the teacher starts the assignment and you can begin. When you are finished, you can exit out of the window.

2.  I will give you back your "Excellence Is" draft and the final draft card. Please fill it out and give it back to me by the end of class today.

3.  You may now work on your essays. The second draft is due at 5 pm tomorrow (Friday) on

Draft 2 Requirements (Homework for tomorrow):
  • Length: 
    • Must be at least 1 ½ pages long
    • Introduction with thesis statement
    • 3 organized and developed body paragraphs
    • Conclusion
  • APA: 
    • Properly formatted (title page, font, reference page, etc.) Follow this EXACT format: APA ELC Paper Template
    • In-text and Reference page citations, (mostly) properly formatted. 
Other Helps:

Example References (paragraphs):
Example paragraph July 4 with citations

Introducing references (signal phrases):
This is a GREAT worksheet that gives examples for signal phrases (e.g. “According to _____”, or “_____ explains…”):

Citation Creator (reference page):
Here is a link to a website that can help you create citations:, but BE CAREFUL, they are not always correct, so you have to check them.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Classwork and Homework

Today in class we did a peer review, and reviewed writing good paragraphs as well as in-text citations. The PowerPoint for today can be found here. I am also posting the requirements for the 2nd draft of your classification essays, so you can access them:
  • Must be at least 1 ½ pages long
    • Introduction with thesis statement
    • 3 organized and developed body paragraphs
    • Conclusion
  • APA
    • Properly formatted (title page, font, reference page, etc.)
    • In-text and Reference page citations, (mostly) properly formatted. 
  • Submitted to by 5pm on Friday
  • Study for your quiz on Vocabulary List 6 tomorrow
  • Continue drafting and revising your essay 
    • Use the feedback from our conferences and the peer review

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Homework for today

I apologize for posting this so late, I just got done with writing conferences. But here is the homework anyways. 

  • Bring a printed copy of your essay  because we will be doing a peer review.
  • Bring a draft of your “Excellence Is” quote 
  • Spend time drafting and revising your essay