6 November 2014
The original quote and the class paraphrases we completed are below, so you can see your excellent work:
- Original: “The Antarctic is the vast source of cold on our planet, just as the sun is our source of heat and it exerts tremendous control on our climate.” (“Captain Cousteau,” 1990, para. 5)
- 12:15 class: Since the sun is the origin of warmth to the earth, in contrast, the Antarctic is the largest cause of cooling in the world, and has significant power on weather and temperature. (“Captain Cousteau,” 1990)
- 1:30 class: As the sun is the origin of warmth on the earth, the most significant provider of cooling is the Antarctic, and it considerably impacts our weather and temperature (“Captain Cousteau,” 1990).
- Finish final draft, and submit to turnitin.com by 11:59 pm tomorrow.
- If you need help with the formatting, use the template in the link below:
- Hand in your Classification Essay Packet by 5 pm in my box in room 103.