Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Class in Lab and Homework

Today in class, we will be reviewing citing sources in APA, both about both in-text citations and reference page citations. Next, we will talk about writing good paragraphs and the differences between details/examples and commentary. The link to the PowerPoint used in class is below.

22 October 2014

Lastly, you will use the lab time to do the following:
  • Put in-text citations in your paragraph(s) using the principles we talked about today
    • If you need additional help, go to
      • This website can also help you with your references, if you look at the menu bar on the left hand side of the webpage. You will see all kinds of links to specific references (Articles in Periodicals, Books, Electronic sources, etc).
  • Write additional paragraphs for your essay
  • Sign up for Writing Conferences 
  • Check your grades
  • Finish the "The Real Thing" all filled out, no blanks left!
  • Review the feedback given to you on on your outline