Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lab Day and Homework

Today is a day for you to further research, compile your annotated bibliography, and develop your detailed outlines.

By 5:00 pm on Monday, July 28th, you must have:
  • A detailed outline (see handout "Outlines" in your pink packet) 
  • An annotated bibliography (see handout in your pink packet) with at least 4 sources.
First, please take this short questionnaire about your homework.
To help you with your writing today:
  1. To find more sources for your paper, go to lib.byu.edu, and use advanced search. The button looks like this:  
  2. You can then search for the main topic (example: cognitive development), and a sub topic (example: sensorimotor development) in the two fields:
  3. This should help you get the sources that you need for your paper.
If you have had a conference with me already, look through the sources I have found for you, and see if they will work for your paper and write down the information you find in your annotated bibliography and detailed outline.

Work on your annotated bibliography and detailed outline. Please click to view and download the outline template and the sample student annotated bibliography and detailed outline below. 
Outline Template

Sample Student Detailed Outline
Sample Student Annotated Bibliography

Homework: Work on drafting your outline and annotated bibliography 

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