Welcome to class today! There are 3 required activities that you will need to complete, and then you can take the rest of the time to revise and edit your essay.
Please remember to read all of these instructions carefully so that your essay will be the best that it can be!
1. Take this survey about your homework from last night:
*You will need be able to copy and paste the text of your latest draft (Draft 2), so make sure that you have downloaded it from turnitin.com or have it available on a flash drive or from your email.
- Go to http://www.lextutor.ca/vp/eng in a new tab or window.
- Copy the text of your essay (not reference page).
- Delete the words in the big white box labeled "MAIN TEXT"
- Paste the text of your essay into the "MAIN TEXT", and click the yellow "SUBMIT" button.
- On the left hand side of the screen, there are the yellow words "Academic Words (academic)." Next to that, in the 4th column is a percentage. This is the percent of academic words in your essay.
- Write down the percentage at the end of your essay like this: AWL 7.6%. For your final draft you will need at least 7% of your essay to be academic words. If you have lower than 7%, you can look over your essay when you start to revise it.
3. Try to put your essay in APA format as best as you can.
We've talked about APA references, but part of an essay that is important is the formatting. Formatting is how the paper looks on paper. It makes your paper look nice and people (especially teachers!) will be happier to read your papers if they are formatted correctly.
Correctly-Formatted APA Essays should have:
- A title page with page numbers
- 1 inch margins (top, bottom, and sides)
- Times New Roman or Calibri font
- 12 pt font size
- Double-spaced
- No spaces between the paragraphs, just indents
I am not expecting you to be perfect with this, but I want you to try to put your paper in APA format today.
- APA Paper Template - This is a template, which means that it has the correct framework for your essay, but it doesn't have the actual essay. You can use it to start the formatting for your own paper. I would suggest downloading this, and then putting your essay into the format that is set up already for you. This has a perfect example of a Reference page.
- The Most Effective Economic System - This is a sample Compare/Contrast paper (with correct APA formatting) so you can see how the template looks with an essay in it. :)
Rest of Class Time:
When you finish the two activities above, work on revising your essay. You can use the feedback from Draft 1, Draft 2, and your peer review to revise. Here are some things to think about before you turn your paper in:
***If you have done all of the 3 activities and revised your essay, you can:
When you finish the two activities above, work on revising your essay. You can use the feedback from Draft 1, Draft 2, and your peer review to revise. Here are some things to think about before you turn your paper in:
- Thesis Statement: Do you have a purpose and points of comparison? (see page 155 for help on purposes, and page 156 for example thesis statements)
- Paragraphs: Do you have information and facts to support your ideas? Are your paragraphs organized clearly with transition words?
- Purpose: Did you include your purpose in EACH paragraph? Usually this is the concluding sentence of each paragraph.
- References and citations: Do you have three references? Do you have an in-text citation for each reference? Did you correctly cite and reference? (Refer to class handouts and teachers comments)
- Yellow Rubric, Tutor Form, Peer Review (Packet) – Due Friday 5pm, in my box in Rm 103.
- Final Draft – Due Friday 5 pm, on turnitin.com
- Title Page (1 page)
- Main essay (at least 2 pages)
- At the end of the essay, show the AWL %
- References page (1 page)
- Study for your Academic A Vocabulary List 3 Quiz tomorrow
- Collocates found in your packet in the third section
- Study the practice quiz you took today
- Check your grades on Micrograde. You can go straight to Micrograde from the "Grades" tab at the top of this blog.
- Sign up for your first Integrated Writing Test in the lab for this Friday. Remember that this is a practice test, but you still need to do your best. You will need to sign up like you did for your 30-minute essay: elc.byu.edu/testSignup