Monday, July 14, 2014

Integrated Writing Additional Practice and Homework

This Friday (7/18), you will be taking your second Integrated Writing test in the lab. This is your first integrated writing test that you will be graded on proficiency for. In order to prepare you, we are doing an additional integrated writing practice today.

Integrated Writing Additional Practice
Please follow these instructions:
  • Please open this link in another tab/window--Online Timer. Set the timer for 20 minutes, but DO NOT START IT. Shrink the window so you will be able to see the timer while you are typing.
  • Open the document in the IW Additional Practice folder (located in your student folder) called “IW Additonal Practice - Writing.” Please write your name and class time in the upper left hand corner.
  • Open the document called “IW Notes and Planning Template” if you want to take notes electronically (optional).
  • Open the document called "IW Additional Practice - Reading." DO NOT START READING UNTIL YOUR TEACHER TELLS YOU TO START.
  • After reading, go back to the IW Additional Practice folder.  You will see a sound file titled  "IW Additional Practice - Listening." Please listen to it in the preview window OR Open with Quicktime. DON'T DOUBLE CLICK IT, it will open iTunes and will cause problems.
  • After listening, go back to the document "IW Additional Practice - Writing." You may now start the Online Timer. YOU MUST START THE TIMER AS SOON AS YOU FINISHED THE LISTENING.  You have 20 minutes to plan and write your essay.
  • When you are finished writing your essay, please select your text and write down the word count in the indicated space in the top left hand corner of the "IW Addtional Practice" document.
For the rest of the time, you may look at your feedback on the IW 2 that is available to you in your student folder, and should do this Integrated Writing Review (download it and save it in your student folder). Here is a link to the TOEFL rubric so you can understand the feedback given to you, as well as complete the exercise.

  • Read pp. 206—209 
  • Answer the following questions (type or write it and bring to class): 
    • What are the two types of process-analysis essays? How are they similar? How are they different? 
    • Which of the 7 steps do you think will be the hardest for you? Why? 
  • Complete exercise 6, number 1 on page 210.

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