Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Classwork and Homework

Today in class we talked about conclusions, how to write them, strategies to use, and things to avoid. We then practiced by writing a conclusion with a sample thesis statement and topic sentences. Lastly, we reviewed the timed writing strategy ABCDE and worked on an integrated writing prompt for practice for our integrated writing test this Friday! The PowerPoint used for today is in the link below.

5 November 2014

  • Study for Academic A Vocabulary List 7 Quiz
    • The format is choosing the correct word for either a definition or a synonym (multiple choice), and then being able to write a sentence with the word that you chose from the first part of the question. 
  • Go to a tutor to help you fix grammar and other editing errors 
  • Check the rubric for anything that you might have missed and will need to add in drafting your essay.