Monday, July 21, 2014

Classwork and Homework Helps

Today in class we briefly talked about the importance of creating our own personal study space. We watched a BYU Library advertisement that was a parody of this advertisement. The main thing that we talked about today was how to complete the detailed outline and annotated bibliography, and we practiced paraphrasing and note taking to help us with those tasks. Here is the PowerPoint that was used today.

  • Draft your detailed outline for 20 minutes
  • Create an annotated bibliography entry for a paraphrase summary you have done for this essay (use the information below to help you : 
      • Author: Roger Sipher. 
      • Title: So That Nobody Has to Go to School If They Don't Want To 
      • Title of Print Source: The New York Times. 
      • Date: December 19, 1977 
      • Page: 31 
      • Type: Print 
    • You can use or Google Scholar to create the citation, but I want it to look like the example in your pink packet when it is finished.
Lewis, M., & Coates, D. L. (1980). Mother-infant interaction and cognitive development in twelve-week-old infants. Infant behavior and development, 3, 95-105.
  • Mother response to a baby is more important than stimulation from the mother. 
    • Mother and child correspondence helps baby cognitively. 
    • Stimulation was not shown to be a significant portion of cognitive development

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