Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Class today and homework

You should spend your time in the lab today formatting your reference page and adding in-text citations to your classification essay using the feedback that Miss Lutz has given you on turnitin.com.

Read the information here, use the documents, and ask a neighbor BEFORE you ask Miss Lutz for help.

First things first: Here is the APA Format Document that you should model your paper after. Check for margins, font, and justification.

How to cite wikipedia in APA? READ this blog entry:

For help with in-text citations look at the following sources:
For help with reference page citations use the following sources:
Still can’t find something? 
  • Google: “How do I cite ______ in APA?”
One more thing to remember:
  • The MOST important information is the author name, date/year of publication, title, and source (like the website or book you found it in).
If you finish early, you may study Academic A List 7 on Quizlet. Choose the "Scatter" option. The person with the fastest time gets a treat tomorrow.


  • Go to a tutor to fix your paper
  • Continue revising and editing your paper