Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Today in Class and Homework

Today in class, first we will do a 20 minute essay prompt. Secondly, we will be working on finding background resources to help narrow our topics, and using the BYU Library to help us out with this. You must follow all of the steps in the order they are given.

1. Go to the link below for Journal #6 and do a 20 minute writing prompt. You will be timed for 20 minutes, so make sure to keep writing for the whole time.
2. Next, go to, and read the information in sections Picking a TopicGathering Information, & Narrowing Your Topic.

3. On the side of the same page, there is a section titled Basic Background Information Resources. 
  • I would like you to look at the section Indexes to Specialized Encyclopedias. 
  • You should practice using the 3 tools in this section using the general terms of your topic. 
4. Download this: Background Research Worksheet
  • You will need to put the information that you find from the background sources on this chart.
  • Use Gale Virtual Reference Library and Britannica Online to find the information. 
    • These will be for your background knowledge and to find key words and other references.
  • Please complete this and email this to me by class tomorrow.
Additional Activities
If you have enough background knowledge for your topic, you can add more resources to your worksheet.
If you feel like you have enough research, you can start on your outline. There are examples in your pink packet on pages 8-9. You can start filling out your outline on the worksheet below.
If you haven't signed up for a writing conference yet, click on this link and sign up now!
Study for your quiz on Academic A Vocabulary List 8 using the Speller in the link below:
  • Background Research Worksheet (today's lab worksheet)
    • Please email this to me when you are finished. I will need it emailed to me before class tomorrow.

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