Thursday, June 26, 2014

Classwork & Homework

Today we finished our presentations and took our Vocabulary List 5 quiz. For the remainder of the class, you can work on revising your essays.

The requirements for Draft 1 are:
  • Be at least 1 page in length.
    • Have an introduction
    • Have at least 1 developed body paragraph
    • Have all topic sentences (in short, less developed paragraphs [2-3 sentences])
  • APA Requirements
    • A reference page (you don't need to have the references perfect yet)
    • At least 1 paragraph with in-text citations
  • Sign up for Writing Conferences next week!
  • "The Real Thing" body paragraph breakdown (purple worksheet) DUE TODAY by 5 pm.
  • Draft 1 DUE TOMORROW by 5 pm
  • Journal DUE TOMORROW by noon

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