Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Classwork and Homework

For class today, we first talked about the different types of feedback that you can expect at the ELC. The feedback that I give you on your drafts is formative. We also reviewed citing sources in APA, and talked about both in-text citations and reference page citations. Next we talked about the differences between details/examples and commentary. Lastly, we broke into groups so that we could prepare brief presentations on good paragraph writing that will be presented tomorrow (make sure you know what you're doing!). The PowerPoint we used in class can be found here.


  • Complete your last page in your purple packet, “The Real Thing.” This is due by 5 pm tomorrow.
    • You must have it all filled out, if you’re missing some commentary, write some more commentary, if you’re missing a detail, add a detail.
  • Draft 1 is due by 5 pm on Friday.
  • Journal is due by noon on Friday.

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