Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Today in Class and Homework

This is the second day that we have to work on our papers. You will work on the lab day worksheet and your papers while I go around and do writing conferences with the rest of you.

Go to the classes folder and get to the folder labeled Dec 3 Lab Day. Download the document "December 3 Lab Day" and save with your name in the same folder.

If you finish your paper and the worksheet, you can study vocabulary.

Academic Vocabulary List 10

Academic Vocabulary List 11

  • December 3 Lab Day Worksheet (if you didn't finish in class)
  • Revise and Edit your paper before the final due date!
  • Fix previous Final drafts for plagiarism
Essay Requirements:
Full essay turned in to by 11:59 pm on Saturday, December 6th.
  • Title Page (1 page)
  • Main essay (at least 2 pages)
    • Needs introduction and conclusion!
  • References page (1 page)
    • Need at least 5 references
  • % AWL (highlighted) after the essay paragraphs (
  • Correctly APA formatted 
    • In-text citations
    • Reference page references
  • Free of plagiarism (0%)


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