Monday, October 6, 2014

Classwork and Homework

Today in class, we talked about credibility, how credibility is important in academic writing, and how we can make out credibility greater in our essays. Next, we reviewed APA and practiced doing in-text citations and reference page citations for an academic paper. You can download the worksheet here: APA In-text and Reference Citation Practice. The PowerPoint we used today can be found here: 6 October 2014.


For tomorrow:
  • Journal: write for 20 minute and at least ½ page on the required prompt below
    • Think about how you changed your essay from the first draft to the second draft. For this journal, please write about at least two things that you have changed between your drafts and why you changed them.
    • At the end of your entry, please write the amount of time you spent on this assignment.
  • Read pgs. 115-116, do Exercise #10 
  • PRINT A COPY OF YOUR DRAFT 2 to bring to class tomorrow 
For this week sometime:
  • Go to a tutor and get corrections/feedback for your essay 
  • Come to a writing conference with me 
  • Revise your essay before the essay is due

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