Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Instructions for Class Time

Hello students!

Today in class, after instruction, you will have the rest of the time to do the following:
  1. Review the PowerPoint slides for Beginning Online Research (slides 1-16 and do the practice activities on slides 11 & 16. Click here to access the slides.
  2. Create a reference page for your essay using the sources your brought today. Use resources such as Purdue's OWL (Online Writing Lab) & the handout I gave you today.
  3. Revise your essay using the feedback I gave you on 
  • Work on finishing your essay Draft 2 for Thursday night.
  • Weekly Journal (Due Friday at noon!)

2nd Draft Requirements
Essay Content and Length:
An introduction with a thesis statement, three points of comparison in body paragraphs with support, and a conclusion
2 or more pages, double-spaced
Any place that you used words directly from another source should have “quotation marks” around those words.
A Reference Page at the end of your paper that lists all of the resources you used for your ideas (with links to the websites). These do not need to be formatted correctly, but the link must be shown.

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