Thursday, May 22, 2014

Outline Homework

Today in class, we learned about writing Integrated Essays and then practiced with doing one. Tonight for homework, you must create an outline for your first paper (Compare & Contrast) on economic systems. Use the background knowledge worksheet, the venn diagram, and your written thesis statement to create this. This outline will provide you with the basics, you just fill in the information! :) I will show you how to do it in the example below. The information you must fill in is represented by the blue text. This is due by NOON tomorrow. Please email the digital copy to me, or hand in the packet to me

Compare/Contrast Outline—Point-by-Point

Topic: Economic Systems
2 Items: Command system and traditional system
3 Sub Topics: Motivation for progression, opportunities given to individuals, citizens already given set roles 

            Thesis – Although command and traditional economic systems are different in how they function, they are actually similar in their treatment of individuality in their citizens in that motivation for progression is low, the opportunities given to individuals are little to none, and that citizens are already given set roles in society.

Sub topic 1 - Motivation for progression
Item 1 – Command system
Item 2 – Traditional system
Brainstorming – In U.S.S.R. in the 70s & 80s = low motivation to get better; societies in Africa are unchanging and have no upward mobility; no room for a person to move up

Sub topic 2 - Opportunities given to individuals
Item 1 – Command system
Item 2 – Traditional system
Brainstorming – Very limited to what a person can do, citizens have little to no rights, and can be punished for their "disobedience" to the system.

Sub topic 3 - Citizens have a set role in society
Item 1 – Command system
Item 2 – Traditional system
Brainstorming – In Inuit societies, they needed to depend on skill, and depended on those with skill but the average person wouldn't be able to provide. 


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