Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Today in Class and Homework

This is the second day that we have to work on our papers. You will work on the lab day worksheet and your papers while I go around and do writing conferences with the rest of you.

Go to the classes folder and get to the folder labeled Dec 3 Lab Day. Download the document "December 3 Lab Day" and save with your name in the same folder.

If you finish your paper and the worksheet, you can study vocabulary.

Academic Vocabulary List 10

Academic Vocabulary List 11

  • December 3 Lab Day Worksheet (if you didn't finish in class)
  • Revise and Edit your paper before the final due date!
  • Fix previous Final drafts for plagiarism
Essay Requirements:
Full essay turned in to by 11:59 pm on Saturday, December 6th.
  • Title Page (1 page)
  • Main essay (at least 2 pages)
    • Needs introduction and conclusion!
  • References page (1 page)
    • Need at least 5 references
  • % AWL (highlighted) after the essay paragraphs (
  • Correctly APA formatted 
    • In-text citations
    • Reference page references
  • Free of plagiarism (0%)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Today in Class and Homework

Hello class!

The first thing in class that we will do today is an optional activity. Miss Snow, a teacher at the ELC, is conducting some research about the SASC tutoring system, especially in regards to student writing. This survey will only take 15-20 minutes, and it is optional. However, if you choose not to participate in the survey, you may only review vocabulary on Quizlet.

Here is the link to the survey:

OR if you choose to study vocabulary here are the links for Lists 10 & 11.

Academic Vocabulary List 10

Academic Vocabulary List 11

The rest of class today will be a workshop day. This will be a time where you can write in class as well as check the aspects of your paper that may need revising. You will need to download a worksheet for the lab today which you must complete in order. When you are finished, email it to me. Anything that you do not complete will be homework.

You may access the student in the Classes folder. It is under the folder called "Dec 2 Lab Day."

  • Lab Day Worksheet (if you didn't finish in class)
  • Revise and Edit your paper
Essay Requirements:
Full essay turned in to by 11:59 pm on Saturday, December 6th.
  • Title Page (1 page)
  • Main essay (at least 2 pages)
    • Needs introduction and conclusion!
  • References page (1 page)
    • Need at least 5 references
  • % AWL (highlighted) after the essay paragraphs (
  • Correctly APA formatted 
    • In-text citations
    • Reference page references
  • Free of plagiarism (0%)

Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24 & 25

This post are for both days of Thanksgiving Week, because the classes did different things on different days. So, as you read this post, please look at the parts that pertained to your class. You did one of the following activities today:
  • You went to the lab and did a peer review activity with a higher level class. When going to the computer lab, you were partnered up two times, and you received feedback on content and organization from one partner and on grammar with the other partner.
  • You came to the class and reviewed the things that need to be on Draft 2. You also looked at in-text citations and signal phrases again. Next, we did a Synthesis Writing to show how much we've learned in the semester. Lastly, you learned a little about Thanksgiving and why we give thanks. We finished up the class with a small Thanksgiving writing activity.

  • Edit and revise your 1st draft. 
    • This means that you can add to paragraphs or delete unnecessary things, add to your conclusion or introduction, or work on your in-text citations, references and/or grammar using the feedback that you get from your peer review.
    • Use a template to format your paper correctly - APA Format Template 
    • Look at a final draft of a former student - Sample Student Paper 
  • Turn in your Draft 2 by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, November 26
Draft 2 Requirements
You need to have: 
  • 2 pages of text, at least 5 paragraphs (introduction, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion)
    • All body paragraphs written/drafted with sources 
    • Introduction and Conclusion must be fully developed
  • Correct Formatting: Cover Page, Headers with page numbers, Reference Page 
  • References: Generally correct formatting for reference page and in-text citations (you do NOT need the notes from the annotated bibliography, just a reference page) 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Classwork and Homework

Today in class, we first took a hard quiz on Vocabulary List 9. I will be merciful when scoring them, I promise. :) Next, we reviewed the rubric and what is required for the thesis statement and body paragraphs of your essays. You can review your rubric (pg. 2-3 in your pink packet) for what we talked about. Next, we talked about what is required for your annotated bibliography (at least 4 sources with short summarized notes). We also looked at transitions that can be used for process analysis essays. Lastly, we did a peer review of the paragraphs that you completed for homework last night.  I have included samples for the annotated bibliography and a final draft of a student's Process Analysis Essay below. The PowerPoint for today can also be found in the link below.

20 November 2014

  • Finish Draft 1 and upload it to by 11:59 pm
Draft 1 Requirements 
  • At least 1 ½ pages of essay 
  • All body paragraphs written/drafted with sources 
    • Contain in-text citations for quotes, summaries and paraphrases 
    • A short introduction and conclusion are required (at least 2-3 sentences) 
  • Mostly correctly formatted in APA style 
  • Annotated bibliography (Reference Page) 
    • 4 sources with summarized information used in the essay

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Class Today and Homework

Hello class! Today we will be doing two things. First we will be practicing an Integrated Writing Task, because we will not have time to review it next week (Yay Thanksgiving!) and the following week (Dec 1-5) is the week of your last Integrated Essay Test in the lab. Secondly, we will work on our paragraphs for the Process Analysis Essay.

Integrated Writing Additional Practice
Please follow these instructions:
  • Please open this link in a window--Online Timer. Set the timer for 20 minutes, but DO NOT START IT. Shrink the window so you will be able to see the timer while you are typing.
  • Open the document in the IW Additional Practice folder (located in your class folder) called “IW Additional Practice - Writing.” Please write your name and class time in the upper left hand corner.
  • Open the document called “IW Notes and Planning” if you want to take notes electronically (optional).
  • Your teacher has given you the reading section, face down on your desk. Do not turn it over until she says "Go!" You are free to take notes on it.
  • After reading, follow the teacher for the next step. Go back to the IW Additional Practice folder.  You will see a sound file titled  "IW Additional Practice - Listening." Please listen to it in the preview window OR Open with Quicktime. DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK IT, it will open iTunes and will cause problems.
  • After listening, go back to the document "IW Additional Practice - Writing." Start the Online Timer. YOU MUST START THE TIMER AS SOON AS YOU FINISHED THE LISTENING.  You have 20 minutes to plan and write your essay.
  • When you are finished writing your essay, please select your text and write down the word count in the indicated space in the top left hand corner of the "IW Additional Practice" document.
For the remainder of the time, you can do the following:
  • Review your paragraph by looking at your rubric (pg. 2 in the pink packet), and seeing if you have included all of the things you need for the final draft. I have included a list of body paragraph requirements from the rubric below.
    • Topic sentences use transitions words and clearly connect to the thesis statement by using key words
    • Paragraphs are organized chronologically or logically (there is a reason the body paragraphs are in the order they are)
    • Uses basic transitions between paragraph commentary & details as well as between paragraphs to help the reader 
    • Is clearly a process essay (not a classification or a cause-effect essay)
    • Provides support or commentary for each step/element/detail (i.e. by using examples, explanation, warnings, hints, or effects)
    • Explains unfamiliar vocabulary words or concepts related to the topic for the reader
  • Write another body paragraph for your essay (this is your homework anyway).
  • Work on your annotated bibliography (reference page) for your Draft 1 on Friday. Remember that you need 4 reference sources with notes like we have practiced in class. You can create the APA references using the Citation Machine that I showed you in class. The notes need to be in your own words. :) I provided an example of a student's annotated bibliography below.
  • Study for your Academic Vocabulary List 9 Quiz tomorrow. You will be tested on collocates, similarly to the quiz we had on collocates before where you choose the correct word to put in the sentence from a box of words. You can study for the collocates with the Quizlet link below.
  • Write another body paragraph for your Process Analysis Essay
    • Please type and print out or bring a handwritten copy to class tomorrow
  • Study for Vocabulary List 9 Quiz tomorrow

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Classwork and Homework

In class today, we first watched a video and talked about creating a good study spaces. We then talked about the important elements needed in an introduction, and evaluated our own introductions with a short self-evaluation worksheet. Next we talked about the annotated bibliography and how to create citations using We also talked about the difference between paraphrasing and paraphrasing notes. We finished the class with developing cohesive paragraphs using Academic Word List 9.

18 November 2014

  • Write 1 body paragraph for your essay.
    • You don’t need to print it, but have access to it when we go to the lab tomorrow 
  • Work on your annotated bibliography 
    • Remember 4 citations must have notes for when you submit it to this Friday 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Classwork and Homework

Today in class we started by introducing the annotated bibliography, what it is and how to make one. Then we practiced making an annotated bibliography entry by using the references from the synthesis writing activity we had at the beginning of the semester. Next, we talked about a new type of introduction, the Dramatic Entrance (p. 215 in your book). In addition to the Dramatic Entrance, we finished up the class by talking about writing good thesis statements for our Process Analysis Essays using the topic, the audience, and the purpose. As you finish the semester, please remember to keep running up the steps. not to drag yourself up the steps, like Rocky! The PowerPoint for today can be found in the link below:

17 November 2014


  • Write an working introduction with the revised/new thesis statement, print it out or handwrite it and bring it to class tomorrow 
  • Sign up and come to writing conferences!