Thursday, August 7, 2014

Class Today and Homewok

Today in class we will first review the peer review with our partners, take our last vocabulary quiz of the semester, and you then will have time to work on your final drafts and prepare for your Integrated Writing test tomorrow.

1. Take 10 minutes to review the feedback that your partner has given you on the peer review. Make sure to ask them questions if you have any about what they said or the meaning of what they said.

2.  Please open in another tab. Once you are there, it will ask you to put in a room number. The room number is: 978947. Wait until the teacher starts the assignment and you can begin. When you are finished, you can exit out of the window.

3. You may now work on your essay by looking at my feedback on, and by looking at the student sample papers online, as well as your rubric. This is the time that I told you I would be free for questions about APA formatting and citations.

Purdue OWL APA Style Guide  - Be sure to navigate the side menu so that you can see all of the options.

The requirements for the final draft and the papers you will need to turn in Monday are listed below:

Essay Requirements:
Full essay turned in to by class time on August 11th
  • Title Page (1 page)
  • Main essay (at least 2 pages)
    • Needs introduction and conclusion!
  • References page (1 page)
    • Need at least 5 references
  • % AWL (highlighted) after the essay paragraphs (
  • Correctly APA formatted 
    • In-text citations
    • Reference page references
  • Free of plagiarism (5% or less)
Required Papers to turn in to me in class Monday:
  • Tutor/Native speaker form (pink paper)
  • Essay Rubric (pink paper)
  • Peer Review (pink paper)
4.  If you finish your final draft during class time, you may study for the TOEFL integrated writing prompt by going to this website: This page has a sample essay prompt as well as sample answers that you can go though step by step.

  • Take your last Integrated Writing Test on Friday
  • Turn in your final paper on Monday by class time on
  • Turn in the peer review, rubric, and tutor form to me in class on Monday

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lab Work and Homework

Today in class will be a workshop day. This will be a time where you can write in class as well as check the aspects of your paper that may need revising. You will need to download a worksheet for the lab today which you must complete in order. When you are finished, email it to me. Anything that you do not complete will be homework.

Lab Day Worksheet

Resources for Introductions and Conclusions

If you still have extra time, you may ask me questions about the content and organization of your paper, but if you have questions about citations, leave them until the conference, or Thursday in class.

You may also study for your Vocabulary Quiz on List 11.

  • Lab Day Worksheet (if you didn't finish in class)
  • PRINT OUT a copy of your latest draft (Draft 2)
    • It must have a cover page, an introduction, a conclusion, and a reference page.